Sport Science and the World of Dance
Lets been honest, no athlete on this planet is more aware of their own body and how they feel using it than Dancers.
At Science in Dance, every day starts with a physical screening and health monitoring session accompanied by "Morning Mobility". This has been an addition to the Dance training and provision at KS Dance Upper School by request from the Teachers and Director.
This time in the morning is the perfect opportunity for the Dancer's to address any issues or ongoing injuries with the Sports Science and Injury team. On top of this, it is also an important addition as it allows the Dancers to regularly check their own wellness and anatomy for any irregularities that could potentially impact their day of training.

However, the worlds of Exercise Science and Dance have not always seen eye to eye. With S&C coaches and technology having been used in Sports Teams for many years, it may seem obvious that the physical nature of Dancing could benefit greatly from rudimentary and basic science provision. However, tradition, stigma and perhaps a lack of time to consider the benefits, has meant that the uptake of using the knowledge of exercise scientists has been pretty slow.
Yet, I am pleased to say that times have drastically changed. Every day Science in Dance has the opportunity to help Dancers be at their very best to perform a day's training and Dancing. Following many lengthy discussions we are now in a position where Dancers and very experienced Professionals can reap the benefits in Health, Performance and Confidence that some basic principles can deliver.
Personally, my passion is watching Dance. SO... anything Science in Dance can do to give Dancers the chance to perform repeatedly and push the boundaries of creativity... Shall be done.
We would encourage any young enthusiastic Dancer to talk with their Dance teacher and discuss the benefits of paying a visit to see a Strength and Conditioning Coach who cna help them gain a physical and psychological edge even before they step into the studio.
It is important to address fundamental movements and aspects of the body so that safe and progressive Dance training can take place whether it is to become the next greatest Prima Ballerina or to enjoy Dancing on a social basis.
Science in Dance is here for anyone and everyone.