Professional Dancers, Companies and Chats
There is nothing quite like dropping the therabands and massage balls... and even weights for a few days, hopping on

a plane to Germany and visiting SemperOper Ballet, Dresden. As I will always maintain, it is so important for health practitioners, working in any discipline, to spend time watching and observing the events that unfold in training and performance. The world of Dance and Sport is ever changing and the demands on Athletes grows with every year. Therefore it is imperative that S&C Coaches, Physios and all other support staff continue to observe the very people we strive to serve.
As I sit here writing, I find myself in a beautiful Square, looking up at the Frauen Kirche, which is a huge church with a dome standing over 300feet in the air, whilst a Brass Band plays some real classics. I would be pushed to find a better setting for a Ballet company. Although... I am not here to watch a performance or see to any Dancer's physiological needs. Rather, I am here to find out how Dancers live and perform their daily routines in other parts of the world. This is the start of a huge journey for Science in Dance, not to network and gain business, but further our understanding of what Dancers need from the people that keep them fit, healthy and Dancing.

I wont give too much away, but coming soon will be interviews and exercise videos from my trip to Dresden where I am working with, former KS Dance graduate, Becca Haw.
I have had the pleasure of knowing Becca for 7 years, however since she became a pro 5 years ago having left the training of Kate Simmons in the North West of England, she has gone on to perform here, in Dreseden, with one of the Premier Ballet companies in the World.
I am sure our little Science in Dance interview will bring you much insight into the lives of Professional Ballerinas. We intend this to be raw, realistic and to the point. So if any of our readers have questions for a Pro Corps de Ballet Dancer in a top flight company please do send them in and look out for our videos over the coming weeks.
Finally, having watched rehearsals and classes for 5 hours straight, I can honestly say I that I did not want to leave the studio. SemperOper, Dresden, are definitely setting their own "Barre" way above average... Sorry I couldnt resist. From the Corps to the Principals there is definitely a feeling of unity and team work with Ballet Masters and Mistresses empowering Dancers whilst simultaneously demanding perfection and asking questions of the Dancers which, in turn, they rise to.
It has been a pleasure and an inspirational experience so far.