Special Guest Speaker

Following our last post where we shared our first Special Guest for the Science in Dance Conference 2018, we are confirming our next guest speaker and practitioner. Book HERE.
Sy Wiggall is a Strength and Conditioning Coach who specialises in the development of young athletes. Although Sy is not currently working in Dance, he has a vast amount of experience in being a Strength Coach for a variety of organisations including Oxford University Blues Rugby.
Sy will be attending our event on 22nd April to deliver a session on Visualisation and Mindfulness and how Dancers can utilise cognitive techniques to prime themselves to have the best performance possible.
Through vast life experiences and a thoroughly engaging back story, Sy has the ability to draw out an individuals deep rooted sense of drive and motivation.
As Dance is, more often than not, a discipline full of predetermined steps and choreography, visualisation of a performance before going on stage or of a combination before attempting it in the studio could significantly improve our chances of success.
Sy will be talking to us about the importance of these psychological and cognitive methods as well as how Teachers and Dance Professionals are be able to implement them for their students and own performances.
On top of this, the session will have a practical base whereby attendees can take part in the exercises and methods used.
It is so exciting to have a Speaker on the bill who is not from on a Dance background yet he is so passionate about sharing his positive outlook on art form and it is an honour to have him with us.