Guest Dance Training Expert
On top of our already esteemed group of presenters, some of whom are yet to be revealed, we will be joined by Kate Simmons of KS Dance.
Kate is a Royal Ballet Trained Teacher and former Dancer with London Festival Ballet (formerly ENB) during the Rudolph Nureyev era. Having danced major parts a long side some of the 20th Century's greatest Dancers plus over 30 years of teaching experience and preparing Dancers for the World of Professional Dance, Kate has a huge bank of practise based knowledge and insight to share with Coaches, Physios and Dancers as well as Teachers.

At our April Conference Kate will be discussing "Buy-in" within Dance. Buy-in in the classroom, on the stage, in the studio or be it into strength training a physical preparation.
As a Dance Welfare officer and Director of a Vocational Ballet School, Kate also has a keen eye for getting the most out of individuals whilst nurturing talent and guiding current professionals through their teaching qualifications as a Teacher of Teachers.
We are delighted that Kate will be demonstrating alongside some of her students and answering your questions in a Q&A session.