Science in Dance News
Darker nights draw closer and the tougher Winter months seem to appear out of nowhere but with that comes a multitude of things... The Story of Clara and The Nutcracker Prince, which in itself involves hearing Waltz of the Flowers over and over again, Audition Season for many Graduates, Competition Season for aspiring Dancers in Training and of course critical preparations for Winter Seasons in Ballet Companies.

We bring you a few updates and pieces of news that exponentially boost Science in Dance into 2019 and into the ever expanding universe of Strength and Conditioning within Dance.
If you didn't already know, late October means the Annual International Association of Dance Medicine and Science (IADMS) Conference in Helsinki, Finland. This event comprises of 4 days of new and exciting content from key researches in the field who will be sharing their findings and innovation that will inform the practices of Dance Practitioners and Teachers for the future. Science in Dance will be documenting the event and sharing as many applicable thoughts and views as possible.

Science in Dance is now proud to be supporting the Dancers of Scottish Ballet in their new gym and health suite. As such we will now have even more insight into the application of Exercise Science in the realms of Professional Dance. Martin Lanfear (Head Physiotherapist, Scottish Ballet) is a forward thinking and innovative practitioner and has an excellent perspective on which Dancers can thrive whilst enhancing performance lowering the risk of injury where possible. Science in Dance provides Strength and Conditioning Coaching and Sport Science Consultancy to Scottish Ballet in efforts to expand the potential of the Dancers and maximise their availability and preparations for performances in Seasons to come.
This news update is also timely as 18th October 2018 saw the return of The Cyril Beaumont Scholarship at KS Dance. It was a pleasure to sit back and watch the students of KS Dance and many associated members of Science in Dance perform so well. The evident efforts of the Dancers, both physical and aesthetic, paid dividends with 3 Science in Dance members picking up top prizes in the competition.
On to today's brief topic, we want to share some questions and thoughts with you and in our follow up article we will share our points of view on these topics: Please Leave your comments below on what you would like us to cover surrounding these topics.
As a Dancer, are you sleeping enough? Consuming adequate fluids? As such do you know the mechanisms by which Rest and Hydration Status can effect your performance? (on your leg or not on your leg?)
Did you know that weight training can increase your flexibility and mobility?
Are you doing cardiovascular training? Long Treadmill and Cross Training Workouts may actually decrease your Dance ability.
So you do foot "ARCH" strength exercises but are they actually worth your time and can you use this strength when Dancing?
Our thoughts with you soon. Share yours with us now.