Podcast Episode 2: Dr Nicky Keay - Endocrinologist and Sports Medic specialising in Dance

Our Second Episode is now available HERE.
Dr Nick Keay is a renowned Sport Endocrinologist with a special interest in Dance. Being a Dancer herself, as well as many close connections with Sport, Nicky is an active practitioner and Researcher in the field of Relative Energy Deficiency and overall wellbeing. With many peer-reviewed publications Dr Keay draws on her own research to give us a current insight into effects of Low Energy Intake (intentional and unintentional).
Alongside this, Nicky and I discuss what Parents, Teachers, Coaches and Dancers can do to spot the signs that someone maybe suffering from the initial impact of RED-S (Relative Energy Deficiency - Sport) and we also talk about the efforts being made in the World of Dance to raise awareness and combat such issues.
If you would like to find out more about Dr Nicky Keay, visit her website (nickykeayfitness.com) or to find out more about RED-S visit HEALTH 4 PERFORMANCE
Throughout the Episode I reference a number of models that Nicky has developed. These are shown below.