Auditions, Networking and Business Tips for Dancers
The Science in Dance Podcast is back... and with the ever increasing influx of Sport and Dance Science Podcats available to you for free on all platforms it can be tough to decide where to lay your listening hours.
Therefore in 2021 Science in Dance is committed to bringing you content that adds value to your journey or career as a Dancer. The secret to this lies outside of the Dance industry itself in the wider community with individuals who can help you enhance and develop the skills associated with being successful as a human being.

So if you want to fund your audition travels, grow your individual profile, gain the confidence to put yourself at the front of the job line, set yourself apart in an audition for a school or job then this new series of our podcast is going to be for you.
We kick off in episode 1 with Rebecca Haw AKA The Audition Educator. Becca is a professional Ballerina with SemperOper Dresden alongside being a self-taught business developer and marketing professional. In the summer of 2020 Becca created Audition Educator to enhance the skills of Dance Students and Professionals seeking to gain work in the world of Classical Ballet.
The DOs and DONTs of building your own network.
Becca is adding value to the Dance Industry like never before. So here it is. 55 minutes of quality input from Rebecca Haw.
As ever! Please leave your comments and subscribe to our channels.
Follow Rebecca:
Instagram: @missbeccahaw @auditioneducator
Twitter: @missbeccahaw
Listen Here: